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Becknel & Sons

Olive, Arbequina

Olive, Arbequina

Regular price $54.98 USD
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ARBEQUINA OLIVE -  This magnificent tree is ideal for both table olives and olive oil, and its beautiful foliage is perfect for landscaping. It is hardy against cold, pests, and lack of water, making it the perfect choice!

Proudly grown in Louisiana.

CONTAINER SIZE - 3 gallon 

POLLINIZATION - Arbequina olives are the only olives that will fruit in Louisiana and is self-polinating. There is no good research with regard to other varieties in Louisiana.

SPACE REQUIREMENT - 10-16 feet from all structures and other trees

ZONES - 8B - 11B


  • Choose a location with the highest elevation possible that will provide your tree with good surface and internal drainage, and provide the most available sunlight. The ideal location will also be away from buildings and structures. 
  • Prepare a hole twice the width and the same depth of the container your tree arrives in. Do not dig your hole too deep as this may cause your newly planted tree to settle deeper in the soil and die. Fill the hole with water and allow all water to be fully absorbed into the earth before transplanting. If it takes 48 hours or more for the water to be fully absorbed into the earth, consider an alternative location, creating a raised bed or container planting.
  • Remove your tree from the container. If a tap root has developed and is growing in a circle, cut the root at the point that it begins to coil. It will grow a new tap root. Separate and trim root-bound roots. Place the tree in the hole at the same depth that it was planted, making sure the top of the root ball is even with the ground level. Backfill the hole with soil to the ground level and lightly tamp soil around the tree.
  • Using excess soil, create a water levee around the perimeter of the hole. Doing so will ensure better irrigation to your newly planted tree. 
  • Drought tollerant. Avoid over watering. Irrigate during blooming to avoid stress. 

FERTILIZATION -  Mature trees need 1/2 to 2 pounds of nitrogen per year. Fertilize in December and in again in spring.

PRUNING AND TRAINING - Can be pruned hard to maintain shape and size. Trees bear on second year growth.

COLD PROTECTION - Mound with soil up to 1 1/2 feet on the trunk until 5 years old in November, removing soil in March. Cover during a freeze if possible.

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