Salves are a popular and effective way to apply healing herbs to the skin. They are commonly used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, burns, rashes, skin irritations, bites, and, wounds. Salves are also used to treat inflamatory conditions caused by sore muscles, arthritus, and, nerve damage.
- Measure 4 parts infused oil and pour into a double broiler.
- Add 1 part beeswax. If you use 8 ounces of infused oi, use 2 ounces of beeswax
- Mix together and heat until beeswax is completely melted
- Add 15-20 drops of essential oils per 8 ounces of infused oil (optional).
- Add 14 tsp of Vitamin E per 8 ounces of infused oil. Vitamin E is a necessary ingrediant to help reduce the risk of your salve turning rancid.
- Test the firmness of the salve by dropping a few drops into the container / jar / tin you will store your salve in and allow it to harden. If it's too hard, add more oil. If it's too soft, add more beeswax. If it's just right, pour salve in container and allow to cool completely before labeling.
- Label with herb, oil used and date.
- Using the back of your thumb nail or a wooden sppon, remove the desired amount of salve from the container.
- Rub salve onto affected area and allow to absorb into skin
- Avoind getting water into salve as this will cause it to go rancid.